4 Lightning Quick Tips To Reduce Your Energy Bill

Artificial waves of light

By Rise Construction - Published 20 Jan 2023

In the midst of a cost of living crisis, many Brits are feeling the pinch and trying to find new ways to save money wherever possible. See below our 4 quick tips on how to reduce your home energy bill.

Electricity pylons

1) Switching Providers

Knowledge is power so why not use a comparison site to power your home for less. Switching energy providers can save you hundreds of £’s each year. Don’t have time to switch over? Simply notify your existing provider of your intention to leave and they might consider reducing your standard tariff rate.

Washing machine, furniture and various other household items

2) Turning Off Appliances

They say old habits die hard but according to Centrica, you can save an average of £110 per year by turning off unused appliances. Even when not in use, many appliances continue to use energy. By changing this one, small habit, you can put more money towards other life essentials (like your annual Christmas shop).

Gas cooker hob

3) Gas vs Electric

When cooking up a storm in the kitchen, gas is typically cheaper to use than electric. If you have an electric oven and don't have the means to fork out on a new oven just yet, consider switching over from electric to gas when your current oven needs replacing. 

Smart thermostat

4) Upgrading Your Home

Installing modern systems like smart heating can help you enjoy long-term cost savings thanks to their increased energy efficiency. They also make it easier for you to monitor and fine tune your usage. Invest today to save more for tomorrow.

Future proof your home and upgrade your heating system today with Rise Construction.

T: 029 200 259 44 | E: info@risecn.co.uk


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